Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Son!

To my precious son...

You are growing up faster than I can catch my breath. Your love for the world around you makes me want to look again and see with fresh eyes. Your laughter makes me want to know why you laugh. Your hugs and kisses are the highlight of a mother's heart. You are our precious son and one in whom we feel blessed to have. Years ago when God named you he declared that you would praise him all the days of your life and our only prayer for you is that God's promise is fulfilled soon. May you know and praise the God who gave you to us as a gift for a time for a season. Happy Birthday Judah.
We took a couple (over 250) pictures at your party. Some of the highlights can be found at Flickr by clicking here. Here's a couple of the pics:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Soccer Time!

Finally we have a good NON-rain Saturday for Judah's soccer game. Every other Saturday since the season began has had rain, sleet, or clouds about to drop open. Here's a look at what soccer weekends are suppose to look like. Judah and Rebekah were even blessed to have their grandparents over.