Sunday, November 15, 2009

How to Make Lemon Vinegar Cleaner

Since having children I've become aware of how "toxic" our cleaners can be for them. Especially when my youngest liked to lick the area that I was cleaning. Another mom gave me this idea to make my own cleaner that not only would clean my house but wasn't toxic for the licking child. I have to admit I was skeptical that it would actually clean. I can say that not only was I wrong but this is the BEST cleaner I've ever used. Even my windows shine and no streaks.

1 gallon water.........../...........8C water
4C vinegar................/...........2C vinegar
1C lemon juice........./............1/2C lemon juice

For a smaller batch I use 1C vinegar and 1/2C lemon juice (love the smell so I use more). I pour 6oz into 2 different spray bottles. Fill with water.

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